Renfrew Tennis Club forced to make way for new Indigenous Cultural Centre

The Renfrew Tennis Club has officially been notified by Renfrew Town Council that their 40-year-old clubhouse, built and paid for by its members, along with the tennis courts, fencing and any other infrastructure will be removed beginning this week, to make way for a new Indigenous Cultural Centre.

The centre, dedicated to the local First Nations people as part of a multi-million dollar project to expand the 41-year-old Ma-te-way Centre, will be built on the site, which is owned by the municipality. 

The decision to remove the tennis facility was made at a special council meeting last week. Mayor Don Eady and council wanted a resolution to the matter so there would be no delays in the overall construction, scheduled to begin this week and be completed late next year.


The weeks leading up to the council meeting had several club members canvassing the town and trying to grow a base of support for their cause to leave things status quo. Over the last two months there had been a series of meetings between the town’s recreational staff, town councillor and Chair of the Recreation Committee Tom Sidney, and various members of the tennis club, including current president Troy Lariviere.

Animosity grew when tennis club members found, not only would they be moving, but they would also need to pay a one-time $75 fee and annual rates would be increasing $10 a year for the next nine years.

Lariviere said the escalation of annual membership rates has many members fearing it may be the death knell of the club.

“The trend in Ontario has seen memberships drop off and, in some cases, the end of clubs and tennis in small communities,” he said. “Unlike most modern tennis clubs that are taken over by a local government, they have either left their club membership or some have given up the sport altogether. A lot of kids don’t play hockey and tennis was a good route for them. We had some great volunteers who gave hundreds of hours coaching kids and the ones who were always fixing something to keep our club looking good. We all took pride in our club.”

Lariviere and other club members met with members of the recreation committee a day prior to the special council meeting in a last-ditch effort to try and maintain the current status of the tennis courts.


The contentious issue of the fee adjustments recommended by the recreation committee was the main sticking point which led to club members countering with an alternate fee schedule they felt was both fair, and if adopted, would dissuade current members from leaving the club.

When the special meeting was held, council adopted a number of resolutions, including excavation of the current asphalt covered areas and dismantling of the tennis site. The Renfrew Tennis Club’s proposed fee structure, which included a sizeable donation toward the long-term longevity of the new tennis courts, was rejected.

“Our offer was never taken seriously,” Lariviere said. “We offered the town $10,000 cash up front and raise the membership fee by $10 dollars each year for three years. Our current membership is $85 so in year one we would raise it to $95 with the extra $10 going to the town. That means our 150 members produce $1,500 in the first year on top of the initial $10,000. It would increase by $10 each of the next two years. After three years, based on 150 adult members, the town would now get $4,500 annually in direct profits.”

Despite the counter offer to the town, Councillor Sidney said it comes down to a case of equality for anyone or any group wanting to use the facilities.

“What it comes down to is that the tennis club is no different from Renfrew’s hockey, soccer and baseball teams who rent the required facilities at a set price,” Sidney said before the council meeting. “As well, there may very well be a possible influx of residents deciding to take up tennis for the first time as the courts will be open to all of the general public. These courts are for much more than tennis as the local pickle ball league wants to play at Ma-te-way and the new tennis courts will accommodate that issue.”


When council met, all were acutely aware there may be negative reactions taken by some not in favour of the move.

According to Lariviere, the membership was receiving mixed signals on how the imposed hike in fees will be used.

“At last week’s special council meeting, Director Kevin Hill stated that the surplus revenues generated from the annual court fee are going into the funding formula for the expansion project,” Lariviere said. “Meanwhile we've been told the fees are being charged to resurface the courts every seven years and completely rebuild it every 30 years. It's just been very confusing.”

During the special council meeting one resolution called for the court facility fencing be deemed surplus and allow Horton Township to remove it at their own expense for use at their outdoor rink; the second authorized staff to commence construction of six new courts, utilizing quality contractors. Another motion had council approve the court membership fees and hourly rate charge. All actions are leading to a Memorandum of Understanding with the tennis club to be presented to council prior to end of the construction.

“I was very pleased that council unanimously approved all recommendations by the rec committee to move forward with the relocation of the town-owned courts,” Sidney said. “The additional two courts (six in total) will allow the recreation department to now offer multiple racket sports for our residents.”


As expected, Lariviere said the membership was bitterly disappointed with council’s decisions.

“We were very disappointed with the decision to pass all the motions recommended and I did write council endorsing four of the five motions,” he said. “However, our club insists the fee structure that is being proposed be struck down. Instead of embracing and utilizing the vast experience the RTC has in providing exceptional recreation programs without incurring any debt over 41 years, the tennis executive was dismissed throughout the entire planning process.

“This action has put the Town of Renfrew at risk of losing many long-term tennis volunteers, all of whom provide the quality programing that attracts the patrons to the courts and may adversely affect the future usage of the new courts.”

The 76,500 square foot expansion project at Ma-te-way will see the current arena and hall expanded to include an Indigenous Cultural Centre, an NHL-sized ice surface, six dressing rooms, an elevated walking track, fitness centre and regulation sized gymnasium, multi-purpose rooms, administrative offices and lease space. The expansion will improve access to cultural infrastructure and better meet community needs through enhanced and accessible recreational facilities.

The total cost of the project is estimated at about $16-million.