Teen caught going 78 km/h over the speed limit

Posted Oct 28, 2024 10:15:17 AM.
Last Updated Oct 28, 2024 10:15:23 AM.
“Your child has been arrested, your vehicle impounded.”
It’s a call no parents want to receive, wrote Ontario Provincial Police in a post on X.
On Oct. 27, the parents of a 17-year-old did receive that call from officials after the teen was caught driving significantly over the speed limit.
According to officers, at around 6 p.m. they caught a G2 driver travelling 188 km/h on Highway 417.
They were charged with dangerous driving, stunt driving, speeding and improper use of the HOV lane.
This comes just days after police caught a G1 driver, who was uninsured, driving 160 km/h on the highway near Maitland Avenue.
The combined penalty upon conviction would be $7,000, six demerit points and a one-year driving prohibition, officers noted. The driver also faces numerous G1 licence violations and the vehicle was impounded for 14 days.
Over the pandemic when roads were voided of traffic, police would lay five or more stunt driving charges in an evening. However, data from that time is unreliable due to the force not having an e-ticketing system, Michael Fathi, media relations officer with OPP, said.
The new system started in 2022 and allows officers to type in the details of the ticket on their computer instead of writing it out. This means there won’t be any handwritten mistakes and police can also see if the person has been convicted before, he said.
It is one of many tools that are assisting police in arresting and charging those using highways as a race track.