Ottawa ranked high on the list for worst dressed in the world

According to an online MSN Travel feature, Ottawa has been labelled as the 8th worst-dressed cities in the world.

Other cities that made MSN’s GQ Magazine’s top 10 worst-dressed cities include: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania which ranked  No. 9, and Jersey Shore, New Jersey No. 10.

According to writer Vivian Song, Ottawa has its public sector to thank.

“As a city populated by suit and tie civil servants, there is zero audacity to be different and nary a fashion effort is made,” Song said. “Everyone looks like they’re frozen in the 1980s. Men sport the same boring navy suits that hang like shapeless curtains across their shoulders, women choose sensible shoes, sedate colours and are unremarkably respectable, and everyone is just so ‘matchy matchy.’ Quite frankly, it’s perhaps the least sexiest city in Canada.”

Ian Chapstick of MediaStyle said “I’m surprised we’re not higher on the list.”

Vancouver made the No. 3 spot on the list behind Maui, Hawaii at No. 2, and Orlando, Florida ranked at No. 1.

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson wasn’t available for comment, but City Councillors said “I don’t know, maybe our standards for dressing in government have gone lower than I expected,” said RideauVanier Councillor Mathieu Fleury, between laughs. “I’m probably the only one (on council) that pushes the line a bit. I’ll wear nice pants, a polo shirt or a nice shirt, try to be a little more colourful or a little different.”

Vancouver City Councillor Kerry Jung said “Well, I would probably say it was true. We Vancouverites are a little too casual.”

Régine Paquette, 29, and Katie Frappier, 28, co-own Victoire Boutique on Dalhousie and Wellington streets. Paquette said she disagreed with the listing entirely.

“It seems like the kind of summary judgment of Ottawa from outsiders, but anyone who lives in Ottawa and is a true Ottawan knows that there’s style everywhere,” said Paquette.

“We wouldn’t be in business for five years if there wasn’t enough of a fashionable population to keep us and all the other little independent boutiques alive.

“Ottawa definitely has style.”

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