Cell phone recycling program aiming at young people

If you’ve had trouble with your smartphone or android, you’ve probably asked your kids for help.

They’re the most plugged-in generation and the wireless industry is counting on them to be the most environmentally conscious.

A new cell phone recycling program is targeting young people.

The “Recycle my Cell” program is the work of the Canadian wireless telecommunications association.

There’s no reason why a cellphone should end up in a landfill, the program’s spokesman Marc Choma told 680News.

“Ninety-six per cent of a cell phone is recyclable,” Choma said. “And those that aren’t ready for the recycling bin, they can be refurbished and they can be sold to people who may not have much money to spend on a new device.”

Choma said there are 26.5-million cell phone users in Canada and people on average upgrade every two years.

Last year, schools collected more than 6,000 devices and accessories.

Check out the program’s website for more information.

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