Ottawa could see new ward as committee tweaks boundaries to address francophone concerns

By Chris Kurys

Ottawa's Finance and Economic Development Committee (FEDCO) is approving recommendations for new ward boundary lines, with a few tweaks, including a new 24th ward.

Independent consultants hired by the city were tasked with redrawing the ward map, since population has been increasing at an uneven pace in different areas of the city.

The first five maps they drew seemed to please few, but the sixth seemed to be closer to what committee members were looking for. There were some tweaks made to the rural east-end, where a giant ward was proposed over the current areas of Cumberland, Osgoode and Orléans. 

“What we saw merged rural Cumberland Ward with Osgoode Ward,” explains City Councillor Catherine Kitts on 1310 NEWS' The Rob Snow Show.

Kitts, who recently won a byelection in October to represent Cumberland, says that while campaigning, she heard 'strong opposition' to the idea from rural residents, who said their community interests lie with Orléans, rather than Osgoode.

A modification, supported by FEDCO, saw parts of the ward, including Cumberland Village, Navan and Sarsfield joining Orléans. 

“I think if we had not made the change we made,” says Mayor Jim Watson, “we would have had serious concerns by the francophone community that their voice would have been diluted.”

Orléans Ward City Councillor Matthew Luloff agreed, noting that, with the adjusted boundaries, there's a higher chance an elected official in that area would then be able to converse with a large swath of residents in their 'mother tongue.'

Changes to ward boundaries can be appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT).

If passed by city council on December 9, the 2022 municipal election would see 24 city council seats needing to be filled.

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