Jupiter will still be very visible over next few days: astronomers
Posted Sep 28, 2022 11:15:00 AM.
Did you miss out on seeing Jupiter on Monday, Sept. 26 night due to bad weather or simply because you forgot to drag out a telescope? Don’t worry, because it will still be visible over the next few days.
While the gas giant was at its closest point to Earth in 59 years on Monday, NASA and other space experts say due to the positioning of Jupiter to the Earth and the Sun, it will remain visible for a couple of days.
“Jupiter is a highlight, and we haven’t had great views of it for the last number of years and finally it’s coming into a good spot,” said Scott Young, a planetarium astronomer at the Manitoba Museum.
Young adds over the next few days Jupiter will become so bright in the night sky you won’t even need a telescope to find it amongst the constellations.
“It’s unnaturally bright, people are seeing it and saying ‘what is that thing? I’ve never seen that before.’ Because in their lifetime, Jupiter has not looked this big.”
Reminding everyone that in 2 days, the Juno spacecraft is going to do a flyby of Europa and is expected to obtain some of the highest resolution images ever taken of the icy moon’s surface.
I cannot wait to see stunning images of this beautiful, potentially habitable icy world. pic.twitter.com/DBPeVJR1A2— Jasmine