Ottawa construction company fined in 2021 worker death

By Jason White

An Ottawa construction company has now been fined for the death of a worker on a construction site east of Carleton Place, two years ago.

The worker was killed in January 2021, when a wall collapsed on him at the site of a new home being built, on Westar Farm Way, near Flewellyn and Dwyer Hill Roads, in rural southwest Ottawa.

In the judgement, the court says a concrete wall was being demolished because it had been built off measurement. The wall collapsed onto the worker who died when a backhoe operator used the backhoe’s excavator bucket to tap the wall, believing that all of the workers were out of the way.

Bacic Forming Concrete Ltd. pleaded guilty to failing to take precautions to prevent injury. The company has been fined $115,000, plus a 25 per cent victim fine surcharge.

The surcharge money will go into a special provincial government fund to assist victims of crime.

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