Celebrating Timeless Achievements: The 40th Anniversary of the Businesswoman of the Year Awards

By Kimberley Falk

The Women’s Business Network (WBN) proudly announces its 40th-anniversary celebration of the Businesswoman of the Year Awards (BYAs).

Scheduled for Thursday, September 21, 2023, at the Infinity Convention Centre, the BYA Gala seeks to recognize and celebrate the achievements, professional expertise, and leadership of outstanding women in the National Capital Region.

This year, the BYAs’ theme resonates with that lasting impact: “timeless.” As Karen Wilson, chair of the BYA Gala Committee, eloquently puts it, “For an awards program dedicated to women in business to span four decades is not merely unusual – it’s monumental. The WBN is deeply proud to champion and amplify the achievements of women in this sphere. The BYAs is a testament to that enduring commitment.”

The 2023 awards are expected to shine the spotlight on some of Ottawa’s most innovative businesswomen. Categories include Entrepreneurial Leader, Enterprise Leader, Lifetime Achievement Award, and Community Impact Award. Within these categories, the lineup of finalists showcases the depth and breadth of talent in Ottawa’s business scene.

For Wilson, the awards program holds a particular significance. She observes, “One of the things that has always struck me as important and wonderful is that the BYA winners are honoured, but every finalist is clearly a successful woman with exceptional achievements. It’s heartening to see that every one of them receives due recognition leading up to the gala.”

On reminiscing about the BYAs, Wilson underscores the importance of recognition, “Being nominated is such an honour, becoming a finalist feels like you’ve already won. It’s a fantastic way to celebrate the achievements these women have had.”

This year’s event takes on added significance with Betty Hope-Gittens, a founding member of the WBN and the first recipient of a BYA award in 1983, serving as the Honourary Chair. A trailblazer since her emigration from Barbados over 60 years ago, Betty’s career blossomed at Personal Pool, where she became a partner. Following the sale of the business, she ventured into personnel consulting. “Betty personifies the support for women in business, which has been a hallmark of the WBN,” Wilson remarks.

Speaking on the impact of the BYAs, Wilson shared, “My favourite part of the evening is hearing the stories of each finalist, what they’ve done to reach where they are, and seeing the overwhelming support in the room for them. It’s a joy to see women celebrated and recognized in such a meaningful way.”

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