Budget consultations hosted by Ottawa city councillors starting this week

By Anil Jhalli

Residents across Ottawa will have a chance to have their say regarding the City of Ottawa’s 2024 budget with councillor led consultations beginning this month.

Ottawa City council voted to direct staff to draft the budget with a maximum 2.5 per cent increase, which amounts to an additional $105 to property tax bills in 2024. The budget also includes a 2.5 per cent transit fare hike and 2.5 per cent increases to the police and transit levies.

Here are the dates and times for the councillor led budget consultations:

Oct. 18

Wards 14,15 and 17

7 p.m.

Ward 14: Councillor Ariel Troster

Ward 15: Councillor Jeff Leiper

Ward 17: Councillor Shawn Menard

Virtual link

Oct. 19

Ward 5

Location and time to be confirmed

Ward 5 : Councillor Clarke Kelly

Oct. 23

Wards 7, 8 and 9

7 p.m.

Ben Franklin Place, The Chamber Room: 101 Centrepointe Drive

Ward 7: Councillor Theresa Kavanagh

Ward 8: Councillor Laine Johnson

Ward 9: Councillor Sean Devine

Register for virtual attendance

Oct. 30 

Ward 13

6:30 p.m.

Ward 13: Councillor Rawlson King

Register in advance

Nov. 1 

2024 Equity Budget Consultation

6:30 p.m.

Ottawa Black Business Alliance, HUB 235, 235 Montreal Rd.

Councillor Rawlson King

Ottawa’s Black, Indigenous and racialized communities are invited to join Councillor Rawlson King and City staff for a hybrid equity budget consultation on Wednesday, Nov. 1 at 6:30 p.m. Attend in person at the Ottawa Black Business Alliance, HUB 235 at 235 Montreal Road. Doors open at 6 p.m. Appetizers and light refreshments will be available. Advance registration is required. Please register to attend in person by emailing RideauRockcliffeWard@Ottawa.ca or calling 613-580-2483. The consultation will also be virtual. Please register to receive the link.

Nov. 14 

Wards 10, 16, 17 and 18

6:30 p.m.

Jim Durrel Recreation Centre, Ellwood Hall: 1265 Walkley Rd.

Ward 10: Councillor Jessica Bradley

Ward 16: Councillor Riley Brockington

Ward 17: Councillor Shawn Menard

Ward 18: Councillor Marty Carr

Email Courtney.McRury@ottawa.ca to RSVP

Nov. 18 

Wards 1, 2, 11 and 19

12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Ray Friel Recreation Complex, Fallingbrook Hall: 1585 Tenth Line Rd.

Ward 1: Councillor Matthew Luloff

Ward 2: Councillor Laura Dudas

Ward 11: Councillor Tim Tierney

Ward 19: Councillor Catherine Kitts

Nov. 20 

Wards 3, 21, 22 and 24

6:30 p.m.

Ward 3: Councillor David Hill

Ward 21: Councillor David Brown

Ward 22: Councillor Steve Desroches

Ward 24: Councillor Wilson Lo

Zoom link is here

Nov. 21 

Ward 6

7 p.m.

Ward 6: Councillor Glen Gower

Zoom link is here

Nov. 21 

Ward 12

Time and virtual link to be confirmed

Ward 12: Councillor Plante

Nov. 22

Wards 1, 19, 20 and 21

7 p.m.

Ben Franklin Place, The Chamber room: 101 Centrepointe Drive

Ward 1: Councillor Matthew Luloff

Ward 19: Councillor Catherine Kitts

Ward 20: Councillor George Darouze

Ward 21: Councillor David Brown

Register here

Nov. 23

Wards 4 and 23

7 p.m.

John G Mlacak Community Centre: 2500 Campeau Drive

Virtual link to be confirmed

Ward 4: Councillor Cathy Curry

Ward 23: Councillor Allan Hubley 

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