Ottawa police officer found guilty of discreditable conduct in altercation with teens

An Ottawa police constable has been found guilty of discreditable conduct, under the Police Services Act, following an altercation with a group of teenagers in 2021.

A decision by retired superintendent Chris Renwick says Cst. Pierre Fournier acted in a disorderly manner by placing himself on duty while off work and on leave.

It also says he engaged in a physical and verbal altercation with young persons in an unprofessional manner.

The document was posted on the Ottawa police website.

The decision says the incident happened April 24, 2021, while Fournier and his brother were near the Osgoode sand and gravel pit.

In a discipline hearing, Renwick heard Fournier confronted a group of six teens who were riding motocross bikes in the area, and was concerned about trespassing.

The findings say Fournier identified himself as a police officer despite being off work due to a work-related injury and was undergoing therapy for mental stress at the time.

Renwick writes Cst. Fournier “should have considered himself a witness and reported the offence for police for follow up, rather than placing himself on-duty.”

Fournier was initially suspended with pay after being charged with assault in the incident, but those charges have been withdrawn.

His current status with the Ottawa police is not known.

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