Ontario invests $1.6B for new buildings at Toronto mental health hospital

Posted Feb 29, 2024 11:34:29 AM.
Ontario is investing $1.6 billion for two new buildings at a mental health hospital in Toronto.
The province says the money will go toward the design and construction of the buildings at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
Premier Doug Ford says it’s a significant step for the province’s plan to boost mental health supports.
“CAMH provides critical mental health and addiction services and research that helps people from across Ontario, and our government is glad to support this important work,” said Premier Ford.
The hospital plans to build a larger forensic mental health program that supports patients with mental health problems who have become involved with the justice system but are not sentenced to jail or prison.
“The physical transformation of our Queen Street West site is turning what was once a walled institution into a symbol of hope for the future of mental health care,” said Sarah Downey, President and CEO of CAMH.
“With the construction of the Secure Care and Recovery Building and Discovery Centre, we will continue to provide the highest quality care to our most complex patients and accelerate research discoveries and developments that will improve the lives of those living with mental illness because mental health is health.”
The second building will consolidate the hospital’s research facilities into a state-of-the-art centre.
Last year’s provincial budget shows the new forensic building will add 33 beds, bringing its capacity up to 214 beds for patients.
With files from Lucas Casaletto of CityNews