Time to get creative, kids can help name Ottawa’s snowplows in new contest

Will we see some similar names to the infamous Boaty McBoatface?

The City of Ottawa is asking for the assistance of children and youth under 16 years of age to participate in the “Name the Plow” campaign.

There are a total of 24 plows to name representing the 24 wards across the city.

The city said in a release the “campaign aims to raise awareness about snowplow safety”.

The contest began Monday, Sept. 9 and runs until Sept. 30.

Kids can submit their name ideas via Engage Ottawa.

Voting on the entries will take place from Oct. 14 – 21 and the winning names will be announced on Oct. 24 at the Transportation Committee meeting.

Those wanting to enter name ideas can visit here for more information.

Here are some winter safety tips the City of Ottawa wants the public to be aware of when a snow plow is nearby:

  • Flashing blue lights: When you see a snowplow or sidewalk plow with flashing blue lights, it means they are hard at work. Please step aside into an open driveway if a sidewalk plow is approaching. 
  • Keep your distance: Remind your parents to always stay at least three car lengths behind our vehicles and never attempt to pass them.  
  • Wave from a distance: While it may be exciting to watch snowplows in action, it is crucial to maintain a safe distance, especially for children. Always wave to our operators from a safe distance and never approach working vehicles. 
  • Wear bright colours: This allows snowplow operators to see you when you’re outside playing in the snow. 
  • Build snow forts in the backyard: Snow forts should never be built along the road because our snowplow operators won’t be able to see you. 

Keep it here with CityNews Ottawa as we await the exciting results of the newly named plows.

Good luck to all participants!

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