Renfrew skating oval attracts many despite freezing temperatures
Posted Jan 16, 2022 08:58:00 PM.
The Renfrew skating oval is now open and it certainly has attracted the interest of many, including a few hearty skaters who braved the bitter minus-25 C winds to whisk around the 400-metre ice surface.
Unlike last year when the oval debuted in the town’s soccer field area, this year’s Olympic-sized oval is located at Ma-Te-Way Park, but the ice pad was moved to the site of the Bluegrass grounds near the dog park.
The official opening of this year’s outdoor recreation site took place on Jan. 13. Even though the damp weather kept some away, the town’s recreation staff are not worried about a lack of participants.
Similar to last year, the challenge for local skaters is the uncertainty if the current indoor ice rink, also located at Ma-Te-Way Park, will remain open the entire winter season. Last year, the arena was closed for long periods of time beginning Jan. 2021, leaving one less location where public skating is usually held.
Prior to the most recent provincial lockdown, the interior skating rink was a popular destination.
Jo-anne Caldwell, program developer with the Town of Renfrew’s recreation department, said the installation of the track is proving to be one of the most popular recreational attractions in the area.
“We had a skating oval last year and it was on the soccer fields but this year we are back where it all began… the Bluegrass camping area,” she said. “While it was well used and loved in that location, when we asked for feedback, the most common response we heard was the desire to have nighttime lighting so the users could skate at night. We do not have power on that side of Ma-Te-Way Park, but the oval was moved to the soccer fields and the response was phenomenal.”
However, this is the year the town’s expansion of the activity centre is taking place. So having it back at the Bluegrass location meant it would be the safer option, despite not having outdoor lighting for nighttime users.
“With all the construction taking place it really was not safe to have families, many with small children, try to get through that entrance. The oval closes each night between 5 and 5:30 for daylight skating.”
Caldwell said the one comment they heard over and over last year from those who had skated on the oval is the quality of the ice surface. Unlike most outdoor rinks that are quickly filled with holes and ruts, the oval is incredibly smooth and Caldwell credits this to the recreational staff and the sudden arctic freeze that has settled over the Ottawa Valley.
“Building and maintaining the pristine condition of the ice surface is not a one-time effort,” she said. “The skating oval is situated on the 400-metre running track so it is approximately 400 metres. The outdoor ice is maintained on a daily basis with flooding occurring twice during the day and additional floods once the oval is closed. Staff are really able to work on the oval when it’s cold out. When it drops to minus-14 C and colder, those are the best nights for us.”
It seems, though, that almost every function or event that is held requires the need to take into account all aspects of proper COVID precautions in order to make it as safe as possible for users. The ongoing uncertainty of uninterrupted use of the indoor skating rink and moving public skating to the large outdoor track seemed like an easy transition.
However, Caldwell said the recreation department involved the local health unit each step of the way to ensure a fun and safe outdoor activity.
“Similar to last year, we worked very closely with the Renfrew County and District Health Unit throughout the pandemic to launch the outdoor oval.”
Caldwell and all the recreation staff will continue to promote the ice oval as a means to stay active in the age of COVID-19.
“It may seem like COVID has made recreation and exercise even more difficult to do, but this ice track just goes to show that even on the coldest days of the year, people want to get outside and stay active, and the oval certainly offers a unique chance to do just that.”