CHEO dream home nears completion in Manotick

By Jason White

Construction on the crown jewel of this year's CHEO Dream of a Lifetime Lottery is wrapping up as hospital foundation officials are getting ready to officially launch the annual fundraiser.

The Minto Dream Home is being built on a street so new, it isn't even on Google Maps yet.

At more than 4,600 square feet, the grand prize home will feature a three-car garage, with a rear door to access the large backyard. The home's finished basement includes a fully-loaded Home Depot Work Shop, for the do-it-yourselfer in the family.

The home is usually just one piece of the grand prize package; previous years have included a vehicle with the home, along with extras like free house cleaning services and gift cards for groceries. There will also be a 50/50 draw and a robust offering of other prizes.

The home is not currently open to viewing by the public, but officials are hopeful many of the finishing touches will be in place when the CHEO Dream of a Lifetime Lottery begins, September 6.  Like last year during the pandemic, CHEO Foundation officials are considering their options regarding public access to the home and will make further announcements closer to the launch of the lottery.

Ticket sales will be open September 6 to December 17, with the winner announced in January.

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