The City of Ottawa says it wants to hear what residents think of the job its winter maintenance teams have been doing; plowing, salting and sanding local roads and sidewalks.
The City of Ottawa is reviewing its Winter Maintenance Quality Standards (WMQS), and it says residents can help out in a few different ways,
here: by completing a survey, available until February 19; participating in one of four virtual workshops, January 25, 26, 27 or 28; and/or sharing an idea or question in a discussion forum.
Anyone looking to complete the survey by phone, or who might require other accessibility related accommodations, can call 613-282-2685.
“The City’s current Winter Maintenance Quality Standards are outdated and do not account for the fact that the needs of the transportation network users have changed over the years,” says Chair of the City’s Transportation Committee Councillor Tim Tierney. “This review will result in improved standards that will serve Ottawa residents for years to come.”
Issues such as climate change, accessibility, sustainability, equity and healthy living have evolved since the current standards were put in place in 2003. The 2021 review will focus on:
- Residential roads
- Sidewalks
- Cycling pathways
- Multi-use pathways for walking, cycling and rollerblading
Results of the review will be shared later this year with the Transportation Committee and City Council, along with staff’s recommendations, to inform and establish updated WMQS for future winters.
“Clearing snow from Ottawa’s roads and pathways is one of the most important jobs we do at the city, and we are always seeking ways to improve our service,” says Mayor Jim Watson. “As the city grows and our road network evolves, so must our Winter Maintenance Quality Standards, to ensure our residents have a sustainable and efficient transportation network year round.”
The City manages about 2,300 kilometres of sidewalk and 12,900 lane kilometres of road, transitway and local highway (Highway 174). This network is winter maintained by approximately 525 staff dispersed throughout the city, complimented by contracted crews used to supplement service as needed throughout the winter season.
More than 50 kilometres of cycling network is expected to be maintained this winter, as well.
Ottawa sees an average of 223 centimetres of snow annually, although this can fluctuate significantly, reaching 312 centimetres in the winter of 2018-19.