UNICEF fundraising canvassers in Ottawa not a scam, UNICEF Canada clarifies

By Dani-Elle Dubé

Despite a previous warning from Ottawa Police Services, UNICEF Canada says it does have canvassers with Carleton University going door-to-door to raise money, althought it is not in partnership with the university itself.

OPS had sent out a warning Wednesday, saying they had become aware of a scam of canvassers collecting funds for UNICEF Carleton. 

However, UNICEF Canada says these canvassers were with UNICEF Canada and were raising money for children in need around the world. 

“The Ottawa Police has been made aware that this is not a case of fraud,” communications managers Emily O’Connor said in a statement. 

Speaking with OPS, they have clarified that they had received communication from Carleton University, who said they weren’t aware of any fundraising happening at this time by any of their students through the university, Cst. Amy Gagnon with OPS confirmed. 

But UNICEF Canada says the canvassers are employed by their third-party partner, Global Faces Direct, who were fundraising for UNICEF Canada. 

“We believe they mentioned that they were university students in conversation and that’s what led to the confusion that they were fundraising for UNICEF Carleton,” O’Connor clarified in the statement. “The fundraising was not affiliated with the university.”

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