Volunteers needed for Winterlude 2019

By Mike Vlasveld

Canadian Heritage is looking for volunteers for the 41st edition of Winterlude.

The festival is set for February 1­-18, 2019 in Ottawa and Gatineau. 

It says a variety of positions are available, which cater to a wide variety of skills, experiences and time commitments. 

“Each year, hundreds of dedicated volunteers help our Winterlude team ensure that this festival is a memorable and enjoyable event. I encourage you to join us this year. I can assure you that it will be a truly rewarding experience,” says Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism.

Residents interested are invited to visit the Canadian Heritage website for a full list of Winterlude volunteer opportunities and descriptions. 

Anyone with questions is asked to contact the Canadian Heritage Volunteer Centre at 819-956-2626 or go to pch.benevoles-volunteer.pch@canada.ca.

More than 700 volunteers help to run Winterlude each year in Ottawa and Gatineau.

To show its appreciation, Canadian Heritage holds a Volunteer Appreciation Night and provides Winterlude mementos for those volunteering for a minimum of 12 hours.

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