Fifth OC Transpo operator tests positive for COVID-19 in less than two weeks

By Victoria Williston

In less than two weeks, a fifth OC Transpo operator has tested postive for COVID-19

The driver last worked in the afternoon and into the evening on August 13.

Health officials are also notifying anyone who may have taken those routes on August 12 to be on the look out for symptoms of the virus.

August 12, 2020 

• Route 11: 1:21 pm Lincoln Station to Elgin Street and Sparks Street 2:12 pm 
• Route 7: 2:28 pm Parliament Station to Brittany Drive and Montreal Road 3:03 pm 
• Route 6: 3:19 pm Maple Lane & Springfield Road to Greenboro Station 4:45 pm 
• Route 6: 5:01 pm Greenboro Station to Springfield Road 6:17 pm 
• Route 290: 6:41 pm Hurdman Station to Fielding Drive and McCarthy Road 7:04 pm 
• Route 89: 7:25 pm Colonnade Road and Concourse Gate to Tunney's Pasture Station 7:51 pm 
• Route 51: 7:57 pm Tunney's Pasture Station to Britannia Park 8:34 pm 

August 13, 2020 

• Route 11: 1:21 pm Lincoln Station to Elgin Street and Sparks Street 2:12 pm 
• Route 7: 2:28 pm Parliament Station to Brittany Drive and Montreal Road 3:03 pm 
• Route 6: 3:19 pm Maple Lane & Springfield Road to Greenboro Station 4:45 pm 
• Route 6: 5:01 pm Greenboro Station to Springfield Road 6:17 pm 
• Route 290: 6:41 pm Hurdman Station to Fielding Drive and McCarthy Road 7:04 pm 
• Route 89: 7:25 pm Colonnade Road and Concourse Gate to Tunney's Pasture Station 7:51 pm 
• Route 51: 7:57 pm Tunney's Pasture Station to Britannia Park 8:34 pm 

Anyone with concerns about exposure is asked to contact Ottawa Public Health at 613-580-6744 or visit

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