Ottawa retiree looking forward to post-COVID vacations after lottery win

An Ottawa woman is excited to pay some bills and plan a couple post-COVID vacations after winning $100,000.

Oxana Sawka matched the last six of seven Encore numbers in exact order in the October 14, 2020 Ontario 49 draw to win.
The retiree says she checked her ticket at home while sitting at her dining room table. 

“I had to show my husband for a second set of eyes and he confirmed that I won,” she smiled.
Sawka immediately called her children to tell them about her win. 


“They were over the moon. This news is unbelievable. We’re thrilled to bits,” she exclaimed.
Aside from paying some bills, Sawka says she'll be sharing some of the $100K with her family. 

“We will also save some for a couple vacations when the [COVID-19] restrictions are lifted,” she said.
Sawka's winning ticket was purchased at Gateway Newstands on St. Laurent Boulevard in Ottawa.