More than $800K invested in helping Somerset Ward homeless population

The City of Ottawa is approving more funding to help the local homeless population. 

In spring of last year, the province approved a $200-million social service relief fund, in response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, then in the summer, an additional joint fund of almost $400-million was announced by the provincial and federal governments. 

The City of Ottawa has received $43.1-million to date, which must be used by the end of this year. 


Somerset Ward City Councillor Catherine McKenney says council approved $700,000 for the purchase of an existing rooming house by the Ottawa Mission in their ward. The funding will also allow for a full renovation of the eight-unit home. 

City council also approved $150,000 dollars for St. Luke's Table to renovate its existing day program space, as well as create three new showers, laundry facilities, and the relocation of washrooms.


The city says these improvements align with the goals set out in the 10-year housing and homelessness plan.