Arnprior and District Family Health Team victim of an IT breach

The Arnprior and District Family Health Team (ADFHT) is the latest victim of a cybersecurity breach to their information technology (IT) system that took place on December 21, 2021.

ADFHT purchases IT services from Arnprior Regional Health (ARH) and uses their network to run their systems and store files.

ARH recognized an unauthorized access to their IT system and took steps to shut down the system immediately.


Although they originally believed no data had been stolen, they discovered on April 1, 2022 that some data had actually been compromised.

With this new information, the ADFHT is continuing to work with ARH to determine the full extent of the incident.

“While the investigation of this incident is ongoing, ADFHT has concluded that the personal health information in its electronic medical record was not compromised,” said Jay Johnston, board chair of ADFHT and Karen Simpson, executive director of ADFHT, in a joint release. “In accordance with the law, ADFHT will promptly notify individuals whose information may have been impacted.”

ADFHT encourages its patients to report any suspicious activity to the authorities and says tips and resources for protecting an individuals identity are available at