Gatineau River levels expected to stabilize by end of day

The City of Gatineau is assuring residents that waters in the Gatineau River will be stabilizing by the end of the day.

According to the latest from city officials on Sunday, May 29, the water levels predicted by their experts will be reached during the day so there is no need to worry about an increase in water levels.

Residents, however, are invited to keep their sandbag dikes until further notice.


When the City recommends the dismantling of the dikes, people will be invited to deposit their sandbags at the curb during two scheduled collections.

Gatineau, though, will remain in “surveillance” mode and teams remain mobilized and ready to active if needed, depending on the evolution of the situation.

The river’s levels are expected to decrease at the start of the week.

Officials are planning two sandbag collections on Thursday, June 2 and 9.

When the City recommends the dismantling of the dikes, people will be informed.


After June 9, however, it will be the responsibility of citizens to bring their bags to the unbagging site at a location that is to be determined.