Ottawa residents march to bid farewell to Rideau Street McDonald’s

Several people marched to the McDonald's on Rideau Street Sunday to say goodbye and thank you to the restaurant, share their favourite stories and do some good for local charities. 

Dressed in colourful costumes, including Ronald McDonald, the marchers said they just wanted to give the fast food outlet a fond farewell, as it is due to close next month.

Many carried flags featuring the golden arch and raccoon head, along with plush raccoons, in 'memoriam' of a baby raccoon which was pulled from a man's coat during a fight at the location back in 2014. 


One attendee shared this favourite Rideau McDonald's story.

“I had $5 in my bank account and I went over to the Rideau McDonald's to get a double cheeseburger without the cheese, because I couldn't afford the cheese. Then as I take a bite out of it, I stepped outside the store and a seagull swoops it out of my hand and it falls on the ground. The seagull eats it in front of me and I had no dinner anymore, but it was funny enough. That's my most memorable experience personally, but I like the raccoon story of course — that's my favourite.”

Organizers of the 'McDonald's Farewell March Team' were also accepting monetary donations for Operation Come Home (OCH), and say more than $1,900 was raised. OCH is a local employment, education, and support centre for homeless and at-risk youth age 16 and up.

In addition, four bags of non-perishable food items were collected for Shepherds of Good Hope.

You can learn more or make your own donation here