A ‘point-in-time’ look at homelessness in Renfrew County

Recent surveys conducted by the County of Renfrew showed that 55 households are experiencing homelessness.

The County released the results of the surveys which were initiated by the Community Services Department, the County of Renfrew Paramedic Service and Renfrew Count and District Health between Oct. 27 and Nov. 3 of 2023.

The “point-in-time” results showed the homelessness situation in the County.


Of these 55 households, 65 per cent said they were in the Pembroke area, 53 per cent of respondents were experiencing chronic homelessness (more than six months) and the majority of respondents were between 30 to 64- years-old. Twenty-seven per cent were youth aged 16 to 29 experiencing homelessness, according to the data collected.

Some of the key findings from the surveys:

Reasons for homelessness:

Household type:

Contributing factors to homelessness:


To address homelessness in Renfrew County, the County of Renfrew delivers the provincially-funded Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP) to help residents with low incomes maintain housing stability. The Program focuses on housing retention and providing emergency services in the form of funding for rent allowances, emergency home repairs, household expense arrears, and emergency hotel stays.

For anyone experiencing homelessness who requires assistance in connecting with community agencies and supports, please call the County of Renfrew Community Services Department during business hours (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) at 613-732-2601 or 1-866-897-4849.  Information about Homelessness Prevention Program supports can also be found on the County of Renfrew website.