Ottawa Public Health confirms first human West Nile Virus case of this year

Ottawa Public Health (OPH) received notice of a lab confirmed human case of West Nile Virus (WNV) infection in the city.
According to the health agency, this is the first human case detected this year by the unit. In 2023 there were no human cases in the nation’s capital, but 54 across the province.
WNV is an infection spread primarily by northern house mosquitos. In a small number of cases the virus can cause serious illness but most people don’t develop severe symptoms. About 20 per cent could experience flu-like symptoms.
“The risk of more serious illness — occurring in less than one per cent of infections, in which WNV impacts the central nervous system — increases with age, with older adults, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems being at higher risk,” OPH said in a press release.
Not only does the unit test humans for the virus, as a part of it’s WNV prevention program, mosquitos are also trapped and tested.
Ottawa’s health unit confirmed the first positive mosquito testing pool by lab result, this is the first since monitoring started on June 1.
OPH is reminding people to protect themselves from mosquito bites, this includes using repellent when near a forest or when the insects are most active, closing windows and doors and wearing light-coloured clothing.
Standing-water sites should be removed around the home to avoid breeding.