Ottawa’s Sharing and Caring Exchange issues urgent appeal for school supplies

 A local organization has issued an urgent appeal in its effort to equip Ottawa students with back-to-school supplies.

Since 2011, the Caring and Sharing Exchange has provided thousands of children in need with backpacks filled with supplies through the Sharing in Student Success program (SISS).

It aims to relieve parents of the financial burden of back-to-school time, providing children with the tools needed to succeed in their education.


This year, 5,489 children have requested assistance, which the organization says represents overwhelming growth in need of more than 30 per cent for the second straight year.

“The rising cost of living over the past several years have been challenging for everyone, but for those who were already struggling financially, like the families on our list, they have been truly daunting,” said Cindy Smith, Executive Director of the Caring and Sharing Exchange. “We want to give the children of these families something to look forward to as they begin the new school year. A new backpack full of supplies may not seem like much, but to a child who would otherwise go without, it makes all the difference!” 

The Exchange has reached 75 per cent of the campaign goal and is appealing to the Ottawa community for immediate support in getting to 100 per cent.

Through bulk buying and their relationship with retail partners, the Caring and Sharing Exchange spends one-third of the retail cost of a backpack complete with school supplies, which means they are able to triple donation dollars to their SISS program.

The Exchange also improves the efficiency of back-to-school assistance city-wide through their innovative Coordination Service.


“We save the community money every year through our Coordination Service, which helps us eliminate hundreds of duplicate applications for back-to-school assistance,” Cindy explained. “We work with nearly 200 agencies and organizations across Ottawa that offer similar support, reinvesting duplicate dollars to help the next child on our list. Over the last 5 years, this service has saved the community almost $646,000.”

If you’d like to support the program, donations can be made online at

If you have school supplies to donate, please contact the Exchange directly at