Only 1 ticket issued on Panda Game day: Bylaw

Police and Ottawa bylaw noted this year’s Panda Game festivities were much calmer compared to years past.

According to Roger Chapman, Ottawa’s director of by-law and regulatory services, officers only issued one ticket on Saturday.

“The majority of the festivities were respectful,” Chapman said in an email. “However, one ticket was issued for excessive noise at a house party in Sandy Hill. The fine is $490.”


The 55th Panda Game took place Oct. 5 and saw the Gee-Gees beat the Ravens in a close 35-32 game. It is an event well attended by both student bodies, signalling pride for the Ottawa universities and a healthy competitive spirit.

Bylaw officers worked closely with Ottawa Police Service (OPS), the University of Ottawa and Carleton University to ensure this year’s game was “positive” and “enjoyable.”

Police said there were no major incidents or arrests to report.

Over the last several years officers have taken a proactive and educational approach when it comes to policing the Panda Game.


“Some of these measures included our Police Liaison Team and By-Law Services visiting nearby neighbourhoods in the weeks leading up to the game,” an OPS spokesperson said. “These visits included speaking to residents reminding them to be good neighbours and to address any concerns they may have in advance.” 

This year’s single ticket showcases a drastic decrease in bylaw officers’ interactions with Panda Game attendees. Last year, bylaw issued three tickets for excessive noise at a house party following the Panda Game.

In 2022, bylaw handed out 20 tickets and over 100 parking tickets following the day’s festivities.