Nova Scotian teen arrested in connection with threats made to Kemptville school

The Grenville Detachment of the OPP has arrested a 14-year-old male from Bridgewater, N.S. in connection with multiple threats of violence against a school in Kemptville, Ont.

St. Michael Catholic High School received five threats of violence between Sept. 12 and Oct. 17 causing multiple-day closures, lockdowns and increased police presence.

An extensive investigation by members of the Grenville OPP Crime Unit, and assisted by the OPP Cyber Investigations Team, OPP Regional Support Team, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Bridgewater, Nova Scotia Police, led to the execution of a search warrant at a home and a school in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia on Oct. 25. One person was arrested, and investigators seized electronic devices.

The teen in custody has been charged with the following:

  • Uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm
  • Indecent communications
  • Mischief – interfere with lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property-over $5000
  • Public mischief
  • Unauthorized use of computer – destroy data

The accused is scheduled to appear by video before the Ontario Court of Justice in Brockville, Ont. on Oct. 29.

While charges have been laid, the OPP notes the investigation is continuing, in conjunction with police in multiple jurisdictions, as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigations in the United States. The OPP also continues to look into potential connections to any similar incidents, including a threat against a school in Iroquois.

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