Vehicle mounts the sidewalk, other crashes into a tree: Russell OPP

Provincial police from the Russell County detachment arrested and charged two people for impaired driving over the weekend.

According to a press release, officers responded Nov. 30 around 10:55 p.m. to a vehicle that had mounted the sidewalk. A caller reported the driver drove over the roundabout of St-Guillaume and Burton roads.

Another report from a caller said the vehicle then struck another before continuing on.


Officers intercepted the vehicle on Highway 417 a little while later. Police did a roadside test and determined the driver needed to be taken to the station.

As a result, Sylvain Dault, 55, of Cornwall was charged with:

He is scheduled to appear in court in mid-January.

A separate incident at 11:15 p.m. on Nov. 30 saw a vehicle crash into a tree after the driver didn’t follow a stop sign.


Police said during this investigation the motorist failed the impaired driving test. They were transported to the station where other tests allowed him to avoid a criminal charge but was in the provincial warning zone, officials said.

As a result, the 59-year-old from Ottawa had his licence suspended for three days and was charged under the Highway Traffic Act for reckless driving.

“Motorists and residents are encouraged to call 911 if they see someone they suspect is driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs,” police noted in the release.