Amazon driver stopped for driving ‘well below’ the speed limit on Hwy. 7

Posted Dec 4, 2024 03:31:29 PM.
Last Updated Dec 5, 2024 09:49:54 AM.
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are often stopping drivers for speeding above the limit, but on Wednesday they stopped a vehicle travelling well below the posted sign.
According to a post on X, an officer pulled over the Amazon delivery driver on Highway 7 after noting the vehicle was travelling slowly with its four-way lights on.
Police investigated and discovered the vehicle’s brakes had stopped working and the driver planned on travelling from Perth to Ottawa after finishing deliveries in the town.
“The excessively slow speeds in this weather could have proven to be dangerous, especially on Highway 7, which in that area is only one lane in either direction,” Constable Michael Fathi, with OPP said in an email.
The driver was charged for having defective brakes and fined $110. The vehicle was towed to a mechanic’s shop.
“While we can appreciate he was trying to be as cautious as possible, the right thing to do would have been to pull over and call a tow truck,” Fathi said.