With unpredictable weather, residents cautioned to stay away from water bodies

Posted Dec 15, 2024 10:45:26 AM.
Last Updated Dec 15, 2024 12:26:25 PM.
The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) has issued a watershed statement for high water levels which is expected to be in place until Tuesday.
Over the past week, Ottawa has experienced over 30 mm of rain mixed with snow, and rollercoaster temperatures. With the rain and snowmelt, RVCA said significant flooding is not anticipated but water levels within the watershed are expected to rise.
“The RVCA reminds the public to exercise extreme caution around all waterbodies and to remind children about the dangers of playing near open water or ice formations,” a press release from the conservation authority reads.
Ottawa Police are also reminding residents that at this time of year, ice is not safe. “Cold water temperatures at this time of year can prevent even strong swimmers from escaping once they’ve fallen through the ice,” it posted on X.
Last December two teens died and another two were taken to hospital after falling though the ice on the Rideau River in the city’s south end.
Ottawa Police have publicized the following safety tips:
- Avoid venturing onto icy waterways. Always stay away from rivers, ponds, creeks, and ditches, even if they appear frozen.
- Supervise children and pets. Children are naturally curious and may wander toward icy areas, which can be life-threatening.
- Do not attempt a rescue. If someone or a pet ventures onto thin ice and falls through, do not follow them. Call 9-1-1 immediately for professional help.