Slew of charges laid after pair steals vehicle, causes chaos in Lanark County

Police laid multiple charges against two people after the pair stole a vehicle and kept speeding away from officers as they pursued the suspects.

The incident happened on Tuesday just before 5:00 p.m., when Ontario Provincial Police detected a stolen vehicle on Highway 15 in Rideau Lakes. Officers tried to stop the vehicle but it sped away.

The vehicle moved to the backroads to evade additional officers who tried to catch the two suspects. A little while later, the SUV was found in a parking lot in Perth and then sped away again when police approached.

Spike belts were used, unsuccessfully, on Highway 7 during the pursuit.

Finally, police were able to track the SUV to an unplowed trail just east of Perth where it had gotten stuck. At this time two “suspicious” people were reported by people in the area. Using the Lanark County canine unit and more officers the two people were found and taken into custody.

As a result of the incidents police are charging Clayton Hartsell, 43, of Woodstock with:

  • Obstruct a peace officer
  • Flight from a peace officer
  • Common nuisance – endanger life
  • Dangerous operation of a vehicle
  • Operation of a vehicle while prohibited under the Criminal Code
  • Driving while under suspension – two counts
  • Possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000

Caitlin Meyer, 41, of Woodstock, is charged with:

  • Obstruct a peace officer
  • Possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000
  • Mischief – interfere with lawful use of property over $5,000

Both appeared in court for bail hearings on Thursday.

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