Ontario online COVID-19 data to focus on hospitalizations, vaccination status

By Mike Vlasveld

The Government of Ontario is updating the COVID-19 data pages on its website to focus on key indicators that it plans to closely monitor heading into the fall. 

Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore says residents can expect daily COVID-19 case numbers to begin to rise as we approach September. However, the ministry of health adds, thanks to the protection offered by vaccines, growing case counts will not have the same meaning as they did earlier in the pandemic. 

The ministry says hospitalization and ICU admissions will be the key indicators that show the effectiveness of the province's response against COVID-19. 

As such, the government plans to update its website to include additional vaccination data, as well as re-arrange how the data is presented, to prioritize vaccinations and hospitalizations. 

While breakthrough cases of COVID-19 will still occur in individuals who have received the vaccine, the ministry of health says getting vaccinated provides strong protection against the virus. The province felt it was important to include data linking vaccination status with COVID-19 hospitalizations and ICU admissions, as well as case counts. 

New categories will include: Individuals in hospital due to COVID-19 (excluding ICU) broken down by unvaccinated, partially vaccinated and fully vaccinated individuals; Individuals in ICU due to COVID-19 broken down by unvaccinated, partially vaccinated and fully vaccinated individuals; and all COVID-19 cases broken down by unvaccinated, partially vaccinated and fully vaccinated individuals.

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