Many women putting off breast cancer screenings during pandemic: The Ottawa Hospital

The pandemic has caused the number of women looking to get screened for breast cancer to drop at The Ottawa Hospital, according to its head of breast imaging.

Dr. Jean Seely says many residents are not seeking the appointments due to fear of contracting COVID-19, though she admits reminder letters are also not being sent out.

The doctor adds, all appropriate precautions have been implemented and the hospital will start sending out reminders again in January.


Dr. Seely is encouraging residents to get screened sooner rather than later, to avoid any furthers complications associated with cancer.

“The more we delay that early detection of breast cancer, we know that results in larger cancers being detected, which can actually lead to a loss of lives,” she explains.

Dr. Seely wants to reminds residents that cancer does not stop just because there is a global pandemic happening.

Women ages 50 to 74 can book an appointment for a breast cancer screening by calling without a referral by Hampton Park at 613-761-4831, Option 5. Women under the age of 50 or above the age of 74 can also be screened, but will require referral from a family doctor.