‘Go f**k yourself:’ former Ottawa mayor O’Brien responds to critics on Twitter

A former mayor is dropping F-bombs on social media in response to critics of his recent tweet about government responses to COVID-19.

Larry O'Brien tweeted Wednesday his displeasure with the way governments have responded to the pandemic.

“Almost one year of lockdown and no vaccine rollout plan, no rapid tests available for work, life, or travel,” wrote O'Brien. “Still, two-week quarantine when you return to Canada….total failure from all of our institutions.”


In that tweet, O'Brien's use of the hashtag #timetofightback drew criticism from a current Ottawa city councillor.

“Larry, with all due respect, this is one of those tweets where you go back and delete it after the events of yesterday in Washington, DC,” replied Ward 21 Councillor Scott Moffatt. “Time to fight back? That's exactly the type of rhetoric that led to yesterday's violent assault on democracy.”

O'Brien apparently disagreed, tweeting a three-word response, late Thursday night.

O'Brien also snapped back at a couple of other critics of his original tweet, telling one to “f**k off,” and another to “get lost.”

O'Brien was Ottawa's mayor for one term, from 2006 until 2010.