Changes to stunt driving, speeding laws come into effect in Ontario

By Dani-Elle Dubé

Changes are coming to stunt driving laws on municipal roads, which has drivers facing tougher penalties for speeding on municipal roads.

Starting July 1, speeding or stunt driving in Ontario could mean longer licence suspensions and vehicle impounding, as well as stiffer penalties after conviction.

In the spring, the Ontario Government passed the Moving Ontarians More Safely Act — or MOMs Act — as a way to crack down on speeding and stunt driving.

“The legislation also includes measures to protect vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and highway workers, improve truck safety, and strengthen provincial oversight of the towing sector,” the government explained in an April announcement.

The act decreases the threshold for stunt driving on municipal streets to 40 km/h over the speed limit, instead of 50 km/h.

This means the motorists stopped going 40 km/h over the speed limit with a speed limit of 80 km/h or less can be slapped with stunt driving charges (it used to be 50 km/h or more on a residential street).

These new laws mean a roadside penalty of a 30-day driver’s licence suspension and having their vehicle impounded for 14 days, compared to a seven-day licence suspension and one-week vehicle impoundment.

A first offence of street racing or stunt driving could mean a minimum of one to three years licence suspension, while a second offence could mean three to 10 years.

And should a driver commit a third offence, they face a lifetime suspension (that may be reduced at a later date).

Fourth suspensions and any subsequent offences, means a lifetime driver’s licence suspension.

And if convicted, fines will range from $2,000 to $10,000.

Automated camera enforcement framework will also be introduced to allow photo evidence of vehicles that illegally pass streetcars on the left or streetcars with the doors open to pick up or drop off passengers, as well as more provision.

To see the full extent of the MOMs Act, visit the Ontario Government’s website.

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