Rogers, Ottawa Food Bank coming together to help fill empty cupboards until end of October
Posted Oct 8, 2021 08:49:00 PM.
The Ottawa Food Bank and Rogers Sports & Media are looking for help from the community to help fill empty cupboards in Ottawa neighbourhoods who are in need.
Starting Friday, the Rogers City-Wide Food Drive kicks off its annual fundraiser also in partnership with Giant Tiger.
The items will be donated to the Ottawa Food Bank.
Ottawa Food Bank CEO Rachael Wilson tells CityNews how much donations help.
“This summer we’ve seen our number start to creep up again, and we’re not quite sure what that is. There seems to be something happening in our community right now where people are needing to turn to a food bank more often.”
Any time a technician visits your house, you can donate some non-perishable items and toiletries — or, you can always bring those items to any Rogers store.
The fundraiser ends on October 24.
Rogers Sports & Media is the parent company of CityNews Ottawa.