McKenney announces plan to invest in Ottawa’s biking infrastructure

Mayoral candidate Catherine McKenney announced on Sept. 7 that they are making significant investments into Ottawa's biking infrastructure if they are elected mayor. 

McKenney announced a $250-million plan to fast-track cycling infrastructure in Canada's capital by promising to build 25 years worth of bike lanes in a single council term.

“As mayor, I will transform Ottawa into one of the best cities in the world for cycling,” McKenney said as they made the announcement in Stittsville. “We’ll do this by building 25 years worth of bike infrastructure in four years, using green bonds to bring forward money that we would otherwise spend on cycling infrastructure in the future, for a cost neutral way to cover this transformative investment in our city’s quality of life.”


McKenney said the project would be financed through a $250 million green bond to build bike lanes and multi-use pathways, adding that the move will save future construction cost escalations and as more people move around on their bikes and there will be less wear and tear on streets. 

There are 14 people running for mayor. Jim Watson announced he is not seeking re-election. 



