City’s tree planting strategy starts with a survey

The city is asking residents for their input in how Ottawa will shape it’s tree planting strategy.
“We want to know if you have participated in the City of Ottawa’s tree planting programs and what your experience has been,” wrote city officials in a media release. “How can tree planting be improved in Ottawa? What new programs do you want to see? How can we plant more trees across the City to reach our goal of 40% canopy cover?”
The survey, which can be completed until April 15, will also include questions on the city’s Commemorative Tree Program. City staff say they’re looking to improve the program as an early action item under the Tree Planting Strategy.
“Information from this survey, and the others that will follow, will be used to evaluate existing tree planting programs and develop new tree planting programs,” wrote city officials.
This is just the first survey involved with the city’s tree planting strategy. City officials say several more will be rolled out over the next year on other tree planting programs to gather more feedback.
Ottawa has several tree planting programs listed on the city’s Engage Ottawa website.
The Tree Planting Strategy is the feature project of Ottawa’s Urban Forest Management Plan for council’s current term.