Retailers calling for changes to Cannabis Act

It's been four years since the federal government legalized cannabis in Canada. 

And some industry experts are calling for some changes the federal government's Cannabis Act. The changes will allow retailers to compete with the illicit drug market. 

Omar Khan, a senior vice-president of corporate affairs for High Tide Incorporated, told Wake Up With Rob Snow on Oct. 17 there are several issues impacting the legal cannabis market from competing with the illicit market. 


“Increased competition but also, a federal and provincial government regulatory environment is impeding the ability of all cannabis retailers to compete with the illicit market which represents about 40 per cent of sales nationally,” he said. 

Khan said retailers are asking the feds to allow them to increase how much product they can sell to individual customers adding if they can sell more products legally, it takes a big chunk out of the demand of the illicit market for cannabis in Canada. 

Khan, along with roughly 200 cannabis industry representatives are heading to Parliament Hill on Oct. 18 to present their demands. 

Listen to the full interview with Omar Khan below:

