Unlicensed G1 driver caught with child not properly buckled in: OPP

An Ottawa Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) stopped a vehicle on Highway 417 after a notification from the Automated Licence Plate Recognition (ALPR) software.
The notification was for an unlicensed vehicle and after stopping, the office saw that the registered owner was a passenger in the back seat with a young child not properly buckled in.
According to OPP, the driver had a G1 licence. They were issued multiple G1 violations and a seatbelt ticket for the child in the back. The owner was charged for allowing someone to drive the vehicle without insurance.
Upon conviction the owner of the car faces a minimum $5,000 fine.
Shortly after, OPP caught another person stunt driving on Highway 417 near Eagleson Road in the city’s west end.
The officer said the vehicle was travelling 154 km/h along the roadway.
They received a 30-day driving suspension, a 14-day vehicle impound and faces a $2,000 fine, six demerit points and a one-year driving prohibition upon conviction.